
Welcome to my website. I do repairs and setups for loyal customers and referrals from that client base. This is something I enjoy and this allows me to choose the kind of work I do.

Building guitars is not an activity I have been partaking in since relocating to Regina. Building requires a proper space for sure but more importantly it requires a consistent and controlled work environment that is not easily achieved without a dedicated work space. Without the ability to control humidity the likelihood of a failed building project increases dramatically. If parts get assembled under different conditions moisture content (or lack of) can leave stress at joints that can lead to warping, shifting, and cracking. This is not worth the risk when you are dealing with tonewood.

Feel free to reach out if you are interested in discussing a set-up, modification, or minor repair.

I recommend and use D’Addario strings and accessories. I am a huge fan of their XS strings. I prefer the use of CTS pots and Puretone Input Jacks when doing repairs on electrics.

I am also a Buzz Feiten Tuning System certified retrofitter. I carry limited stock in terms of nuts and saddles as requests for this work is rare. I can however help you with your BFTS setup and intonation. Contact me if you are interested in BFTS.

Peterson sells a few options for use with your BFTS instrument.
1. The Stroboclip HD
2. The StroboStomp HD
3. The StroboPlus HDC (I use this regularly, more than my AutoStrobe 490)
4. iStrobe App for IOS devices. BFTS is an in app purchase

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